Late-night snacking and blue light from digital device’s screens could disrupt your sleep cycle. As it turns out, what you eat also can have a significant impact on how well you sleep. Look no further than your nutrition if you can’t sleep and aren’t sure why.  Large dinners induce tiredness, delay digestion and interfere with a good night’s sleep. Even small amounts of caffeine (such as the amount in a chocolate doughnut) might interfere with sleep, especially if you are caffeine sensitive. Stop taking caffeinated drinks at least four hours before bedtime.

Try reducing late-night snacking. A cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of coke is a rapid energy booster that may disrupt your sleep.  It’s best to eat your largest meal before midafternoon, followed by a light dinner of 500 calories or less in the evening. If you eat properly, you could have a better sleep.  There are also herbs and plant extracts that could help you achieve quality sleep if you need some help for occasional sleeplessness.

 To learn more about sleep hygiene recommendations click here