Circulation-enhancing foods are beneficial to your heart, eyes, and vision. Citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, and whole grains are all heart-healthy foods. Zinc-rich foods, such as beans and peas can protect your eyes from light damage. Carrot is also healthy for your eyes because it provides vitamin A, which is necessary for function of the retinal cells and visual performance. Beta-carotene (present in many yellow and orange fruits and vegetables), as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, are all beneficial to the eyes (found in leafy greens and colorful produce). Also, some good fats contain omega-3s, which aid in the absorption of certain nutrients. Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to be good for eye health. Two to three times every week, eat salmon or other types of fatty fish such as tuna. Walnuts (which also include eye-protective vitamin E), flax seed, and chia seeds are examples of foods that contain beneficial fats.

If you don’t plan to change your diet, or you find it hard to plan nutrient-rich diet, consider taking supplements. With a combination of eye vitamins and antioxidants for healthy vision Saffron 2020 eye supplements can help you obtain the necessary nutrients your eyes need to remain healthy and balanced.

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