Being in front of the television, on your laptop or reading work reports on your computer are things we do often. Most of us, it’s reasonable to say, that we spend a lot of time staring at digital screens. And this isn’t good for our eyes. Blurred vision, eyestrain, dry eye, macular degeneration, and cataracts have all been related to damaged caused by blue light from electronics. Near-sightedness can also be caused by blue light. Exposure to blue light is unavoidable, and the sunlight is the primary source of it. When you’re outside, you’re exposed to a high level of blue light. However, there are several man-made devices that may contribute to damaging effects by blue light.  


The blue light in LED lighting, which is found in many consumer devices, may disrupt your sleep and put your eyes at risk as well. The amount of blue light released by these electrical devices, on the other hand, is a tiny fraction of what the sun produces. The cornea and lens in the front of your eyes are excellent at filtering UV rays and preventing them from reaching the light-sensitive portions of your eye, such as the retina. They are, however, not nearly as effective in blocking out blue light.   


So, how can you stay safe from blue light?  


Reduce your screen time.  


Use a proper light filter.  


To relieve eye strain, take supplements containing lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein is concentrated in the retina of the eye and help to absorb blue light. It is said the lutein is the ‘sun-screen’ in our eyes, as it reduced the damage to the retina caused by blue light.