A good night’s sleep is beneficial to both your body and mind. Use these suggestions to wake up feeling revitalized:
• Turn off TVs, computers, and other sources of blue light one hour before bedtime. Any displays that you can’t turn off should be covered.
• Place your alarm clock under a drawer, under your bed, or out of sight.
• To relieve pain, tuck a pillow between your knees.
• Before going to bed, make sure you have an appropriate posture. Avoid craning your neck to watch television.
• Gentle mind-body exercises such as yoga or tai chi are excellent for healthy sleep.
• Finish your meal at least an hour before bedtime, 
Safrocalm Night presents is a new natural melatonin-free sleep supplement to help you cope with occasional sleeplessness. It is formulated with relaxing and calming herbal extracts to help you achieve quality sleep and wake up refreshed and energized without morning grogginess. To learn about sleep hygiene practices click here…..