If you have occasional sleep problems, there is a lot you can do to get a better night’s sleep, wake up refreshed and stay alert throughout the day. The term “sleep hygiene” refers to daily practices, personal habits and changing our living environment that are necessary for a good night’s sleep.

Deadlines, tests, personal conflict and career crises are all examples of psychological stressors that might keep us up at night or prevent us from falling asleep. Age has an impact on sleep and sleep hygiene. After the age of 40, our sleep habits alter and we have far more nocturnal awakenings than we did when we were younger. We all have a 24-hour day-night cycle that we call the circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm is more robust and consistent if we can sleep better. The timing of many events including naps, our bedtime, exercise and especially exposure to light may cause this cycle to be disrupted. The time of our sleep, as well as the amount and quality of sleep we get have a big influence on the benefits we receive from sleeping.

 We are more likely to feel unrefreshed and unrestored with more times waking up at night. It takes time to “turn off” all of the noise from the day. But you have a lot of influence over it to help you achieve a better sleep and improve your health.

To learn more about sleep hygiene recommendations click here