We were taught as children that carrots are excellent for our eyes and that we should eat them regularly. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, a carotenoid that the body uses to make Vitamin A, which are needed for healthy vision performance. Vitamin A aids in the conversion of light into a signal that is conveyed to the brain, helping you to see more clearly in low light. However, carrots aren’t the only source of these vitamins and nutrients required for good vision. Mild to severe vision loss affects people all around the world. Did you know that the health of your eyes and heart and blood vessels are inextricably linked? What you eat and drink can have a long-term effect on your cardiovascular and visual health alike.  

 Here are four nutrition sources for healthy eyesight:  

Sunflower Nuts and Seeds  

Half the daily required quantity of vitamin E is found in an ounce of these seeds or almonds. Vitamin E, together with other nutrients can help delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  


To function properly, your retina requires two forms of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout, as well as other seafood, contain both. Omega-3 fatty acids appear to protect your eyes against AMD and glaucoma. Dry eyes have been linked to low levels of these fatty acids as well.  


It’s a fantastic package of important nutrients: Zinc in an egg will aid in the utilisation of the lutein and zeaxanthin found in the yolk. These carotenoids are concentrated in the macula of retina and are essential for healthy function of the retina. Low levels of daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin are linked with higher risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

Legumes and Beans 

 A low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian choice to help keep your vision clear at night and slow AMD Chickpeas, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, and lentils are all high in zinc.